
Daily Notes

September 30, 2006

I can see that it's been a while since I've updated this blog. And I think I've decided that I'm going to stop updating this blog. Because I know no one reads this one. And I have a Xanga, a Myspace, and a Facebook for writing stuff like this. So check those if you want to read my blog like stuff.

February 17, 2006

This is a video I made that shows you a brief tour of what my drum set looks like.

Wow. I never really use this blog anymore. That's probably because no one reads this one. But anyways, I will post a link to my newly established photo album on photobucket. Go check it out.

November 24, Thanksgiving Day 2005

So I don't have much to say here except that Xanga has pretty much taken over this page. MySpace doesn't work very well. If anyone out there actually reads this (haha) and wants to still keep up with my life, e-mail me and I'll consider giving you the link to my xanga.

August 17

So I haven't been updating at all lately. It's because as you know I was at Jamboree for two weeks and then home for a day before jetting off to beautiful Oahu for a week. I got back last Friday and then on Saturday I went to Matthew's house. He's a good friend of mine who I haven't seen since October. He was my best friend for a long time, but now I think just have a lot of really good friends (you know who you are). So that was fun to see him since I haven't seen him in so long. His dog is still doing well and his cat is much bigger than when I was there last. All we did for the afternoon and evening was play XBOX and play PSP. We were going to go see a movie and I was going to spend the night, but my mom said no way because of the massive amount of reading I had left and having only been back from Hawaii for a day. I wish I could have stayed though. Since then all I've been able to do is read. Read. Read. Read. I'm almost done with my second book of four, which is good because school starts a week from Monday. I'm really excited about rock band practice on Friday and the first game of the season on Saturday. I'll get to see all my friends without actually going back to school just yet and it's at Vandy's stadium! That means I'll be playing with the school band at Vandy stadium. I'm really excited and can't wait. And I learned from Brandon last night that Michael will also be playing in the game Saturday. If I can convince my parents, I might be able to go out with friends on Friday Night. So now I have to go read. What a surprise.
Hawaii Pictures

July 20

Today was: Sleep in until I was woken up at 8:00. Lounge around all morning. Lunch. Go to MBA to workout. Go to Harris Hillman to get the principle's signature and approval for the Eagle Project. Take pictures of the Eagle Project area. Come home. Pack for National Jamboree. Practice. Now this.
When I went to work out, James was there. I haven't actually worked out with James at the weight room in a while, so that was cool. Apparently, he got my email on FirstClass, but couldn't reply. ??? I don't know. Then I got the last signature I need for my Eagle Project and all I have left is to go tomorrow to pick up the letter the principle is writing for me and then I get to submit it. Finally. Ha.
NATIONAL JAMBOREE TOMORROW!!!!!!!! I can't WAIT to leave. It's going to be so much fun. We're going to spend three days in Washington D.C. first and then it actually starts on Monday. D.C. alone will be interesting with the protests that are happening and the new nomination of the Supreme Court Judge. Then I have ten days and nine nights straight of camping as Assistant Senior Patrol Leader. God, it's going to be so much fun. I'm going to stop ranting about this so that I don't get over excited as I still have to wait until tomorrow night. By the way, when I get back, I'll be here for one day and then I'm leaving for HAWAII. That's excitement part II. Hopefully when I return from JAMBOREE I'll have at least one summer reading book done. Probably not though. But seriously, I'm going to try and make it a priority.

July 14

Ok, so I'll admit it. I've been spending too much time on xanga. It's because I've been working on all the scripts and whatnot. I've done lots of stuff such as: reomoved the banner, removed the posting calendar, added the marquee, add the music player and the music in it, changed some images at the top (but that's a minor change), and removed the "It's been 365 days since you joined xanga" banner at the top (you guys can't see it). So yeah, it's a lot if stuff. I guess I've just been on a computer rampage lately. I updated my scouts page with some recent events, so check that out.
So for today's entry -- I got up at my usual time and while my mom was at work, I lounged around the house. In other words, I floated back and forth between the computer, my drumset, and my PSP. Then my mom came home from work and went out to get her haircut. So while she was doing that, I worked on the computer some more. So much that I forgot about food and didn't eat lunch. When she came back, we left (and I drove) and did the recycling and went to pick up some patches that I needed for my new uniform for National Jamboree. It's only one(1) week away and I can't wait to go. Anyways, they didn't have the Stahlman patches that I needed. So I think I'll have to get those at Boxwell when I go out to help pack the trailer on Saturday. And since getting back from there, I've nothing but mess around on the computer and I still haven't eaten lunch. I'm hungry and it's time for dinner now. I'm going to go eat...

July 4

So far today all I've done is wait for this whole WiFi deal to get hooked up. We're trying to get wireless going in our house with this new computer as the hub and the old be wireless. But it's not possible. The technician from CompUsa spent 4 1/2 hours here today trying to figure things out, and it just won't work. But now we've got two computers with internet, they're just right next to each other. But I'm having so much fun with the new one! I made a Google screensaver and can now hook up my PSP to a computer and put music, movies, and images on it. I can also Network Update on my PSP with the wireless router working. I did that today along with messing around with the PSP Dock I made last night. It's really ugly and doesn't look at all like how you're supposed to build it, but it works none the less. I also found a really good site for downloading stuff for your PSP. It has everything including movie trailers, images, videos, games (like Chess, Solitaire, and Snake), saved games from a few games, podcasts, downloadable tutorials of stuff, downloadable magazines, and more! Wow that's a lot. Check out PSP|>rive for more.


July 2

So Boxwell is over. It seems like it was here and gone so fast. Way too fast. But I have Seabase in a week and then National, so I can't wait for all that. Today I pretty much had a lazy day. I slept in, practiced (as always), and messed around with my family's new computer. Then I went to the gym in the afternoon with my dad because this week is the "dead period" at school where athletics can't do anything. So I normally wouldn't have gone to the YMCA, but I have no choice this week. I moved up on the bench, successfully getting 155 pounds 5 times. That was pretty cool because now I can actually bench more than I weigh. Then tonight I went with Michael, Georgia, and Brandon to the Boom Boom HuckJam. That was pretty good. I wouldn't have paid to go see it, especially considering I had $80 tickets, but I got them for free, so I didn't mind too much. It was worth going to, because if I hadn't gone, I would have just sat around here and done nothing on a Saturday night, so why not go? It was good. Now I have this idea to make a slideshow of all the Google logos (because I mentioned the logos to Brandon and he found the page) and I think it would make a pretty cool slideshow to show my parents on the new computer considering that they don't know how to use it yet. We'll see how it turns out.


June 25

Today when I got up I went drove with my dad to Carmax. I actually wasn't too bad, but of course, he wanted to correct me on things. So we looked at some cars, because the SUV we have isn't safe for me to drive in. No, I won't be getting a car when I turn sixteen, at least not at this point, but I do need a car that won't tip over when I turn to sharply. Then we came home, ate lunch, and I went out driving with my mom. We had to pick up some stuff for Boxwell this week so we went to Walgreens to get stuff like deodorant, shampoo, duct tape, etc. Then I came home, practiced for an hour, messed around for a while, and then started packing. I've got most of my stuff taken care of so far, just a few last minute things and I'll be ready to go. It sucks that I'll be going up late though. I'll be late because of that National Jamboree meeting, which isn't bad, but it means I likely won't get a nice tent. Then tonight the people from Denver called. Damn them.... and then my parents went out to dinner to celebrate a friend's 50th birthday. And so I'm stuck here with a sitter and my brother until my parents gets home. I can't wait until Boxwell tomorrow because I'm away from here (my parents) and my brother for a week. Thank God! I can't wait.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, no updates for a week because I'll be away at Boxwell.


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